07 déc 2023 - 08 déc 2023
13:00  - 16:00

Lorenza Mondada

WORKSHOP: “Designing, Building and Using Data Banks of Interactional Corpora from a Conversation Analytic Perspective

The workshop “Designing, Building and Using Data Banks of Interactional Corpora from a Conversation Analytic Perspective” will take place at the University of Basel from Thursday, December 7th, 2023, 13:00h – 18:30h, to Friday, December 8th, 2023, 09:00h – 16:00h, with the option to participate on site or virtually via Zoom. The invited speakers are Arnulf DeppermannHenrike Helmer and Silke Reineke from the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS) who will give presentations on the design and application of large machine-readable corpora of spoken interaction, drawing on the IDS corpus FOLK (Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus / Research and Teaching Corpus) to discuss and illustrate the challenges of creating and using them.

For registering see https://www.chord-talk-in-interaction.usi.ch/cti/workshops/workshop-2

for information contact Lorenza.Mondada@clutterunibas.ch.

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