I have always taught at all levels, from BA to MA and PhD, as well as to junior and senior researchers.
At BA level, I teach introductory courses in the history and practice of linguistics, as well as courses and seminars on a diversity of topics such as multilingual practices, deixis, the expression of space and time in language and interaction, the syntax/pragmatics interface, grammar in interaction, knowledge in language and discourse, orality and writing, language and identity, language and sensoriality, and methodology for dealing with spoken and written corpora.
At MA level, I teach topics rather focused on conversation analysis and interactional grammar, dealing with multimodal resources for social interaction, turn-taking and sequence organization, action formation, temporality and emergence in interaction, institutional talk, membership categorization analysis, and methodology for dealing with social interaction.
At PhD level, I mainly address issues in multimodal conversation analysis, organizing workshops and continuous training of doctoral students within the doctoral school HPSL (Herman Paul School of Linguistics, Basel-Freiburg).
Over the years I have been organizing and teaching in a variety of Doctoral Schools across the world. Among them:
- Doctoral Workshop in Osaka, 6-9.3.2017 on Multimodal Conversation Analysis.
- International Academy of Conversation Analysis (IACA),Gröningen, 11-15.7.2016 (instructor of a 4-days module on conversation analysis and multimodality)
- International Doctoral School Basel-Helsinki on Multimodality and Conversation Analysis : 20-25.4.2015 in Helsinki, 25-30.5.2015 in Basel (main instructor, conceptor and organizer)
- Doctoral Workshop in Tokyo, 26-28.1.2013 on The constitution of joint attention: issues in the analysis of multimodal collections
- ISGS Summer School on Handling Gesture: Theory and Methods in Gesture Research,j19-24.7.2010, Frankfurt/Oder (co-organizer and instructor of 2 courses).
- PPlace Me doctoral workshop, Stockholm, 10-12.5.2007 (main instructor. day 1: “video recording", Day 2: “Transcribing", Day 3: “Analyzing data")
- CNRS doctoral schools in France (yearly 2007-2012)
- CUSO doctoral schools in Switzerland (yearly 1999-2002, 2012-14)
I had more than 20 PhD students, most of them currently continuing to work in academia.
I participated in 46 PhD committees since 1999 (1 BR, 2 CAT, 7 CH, 1 SP, 25 F, 1 LUX, 2 PT, 3 S, 2 UK, 2NL).