Dr. des. Guillaume Gauthier
Assistant / PostdocAssistant / Postdoc
Assistant / Postdoc
Maiengasse 51
Assistant / Postdoc
Institut für Französische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Maiengasse 51
About me
I am a postdoctoral SNSF-funded researcher specializing in the study of social interaction within the cognate disciplines of Interactional Linguistics, Conversation Analysis, and Ethnomethodology.
I completed my PhD in General Linguistics at the University of Basel under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Lorenza Mondada, as part of the SNSF-funded intSenses project. My doctoral research investigated how sensorial experiences are shared in and through social interaction, with a particular focus on the role of evaluative phenomena.
My current research investigates how people collaboratively manage and attend to issues of (in)attentiveness in everyday and institutional settings. I am involved in several SNSF-funded projects, including the Intersensoriality project, which examines how mutual sensory access makes social interaction possible. I am thus also particularly interested in perceptual difficulties, notably how people still manage to interact in the absence of vision, hearing, touch, etc. Relatedly, I collaborate on a SNSF-funded project studying how harsh weather conditions affect social interaction. For instance, in a snowstorm, hearing or seeing one another clearly becomes difficult, hindering the accomplishment of mutual understanding. Besides this, my research, in collaboration with Dr. Sofian Bouaouina and Dr. Hanna Svensson, also delves into how individuals navigate intense sensory experiences of heat and pain in social interaction. All of this work extends my broader interest in the interactional dimensions of embodiment, sensoriality and perception.
Finally, since the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, I have also contributed to the HumSoC19 project, examining how Covid-19 regulations have reshaped daily social practices and interactions.
Social Interaction; Ethnomethodology; Conversation Analysis; Multimodality; Embodiment; Sensoriality; Perception; Assessments in Social Interaction; Attentiveness
Mondada, L., Bouaouina, S., Camus, L., Gauthier, G., Svensson, H., Tekin B. (2021). “The local and filmed accountability of sensorial practices: The intersubjectivity of touch as an interactional achievement." In “Documenting multi-sensory practices with video recordings: touching, smelling, and tasting food in social interaction” S. Goico, J. Katila, Y. Gan, M. H. Goodwin. (Eds.) Special Issue for Social Interaction. Video-based Studies in Human Sociality. 4(3).
Mondada, L., Bänninger, J., Bouaouina, S., Gauthier, G., Hänggi, P., Koda, M., Svensson, H., Tekin, B. (2020). "Changing social practices. Covid-19 and new forms of sociality." Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa 2, pp. 217-232, doi: 10.3240/97807.
Mondada, L., Bänninger, J., Bouaouina, S., Camus, L. Gauthier, G., Hänggi, P., Koda, M., Svensson, H., Tekin, B. (2020). Human sociality in the times of the Covid-19 pandemic: A systematic examination of change in greetings. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 24:4.
Mondada, L., Bänninger, J., Bouaouina, S., Gauthier, G., Hänggi, P., Koda, M., Svensson, H., Tekin, B. (2020). Doing paying during the Covid-19 pandemic. Discourse Studies, 22:6.
Gauthier, G., & Bouaouina, S. (2024). On the accountability of Breathing – The Case of In-breaths in Yoga Lessons. IIEMCA 2024, Seoul
Bouaouina, S., & Gauthier, G. (2024). Disentangling the Entanglement of Bodies. IIEMCA 2024, Seoul
Gauthier, G. (2023). When evaluative phenomena share sensorial experiences – How co-participants jointly calibrate quantities. ICCA 2023, Brisbane
Gauthier, G. (2022). On Multimodal Gestalts and their Sequential Implicativeness How Evaluative Practices Contribute to Intersubjectivity. Digital Meeting for Conversation Analysis (DMCA) 2022.
Gauthier, G. (2022). What are assessments doing? Evaluative practices in interactions with and around food. VALS-ASLA Forum of Applied Linguistics in Switzerland 2022.
Gauthier, G. (2021). How to manage group activities during Covid-19? Achieving physical distancing through other-correction during food distributions. 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IprA) 2021, Winterthur.
Gauhtier, G., Bouaouina, S. (2021). Sensing Food: The accountability of food selection processes in dumpsters and markets. 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IprA) 2021, Winterthur.
Gauthier, G, (2021). The accomplishment of physical distancing through corrective practices in the times of the Covid-19 pandemic. SymPol-iMean 2021.
2024 – today Assistant / PostDoc at U. Basel
2018 – 2024 SNSF-funded doctoral candidate at U. Basel
2016 – 2018 Master of Arts in English and French at U. Basel
2012 – 2016 Bachelor of Arts in English and French at U. Basel