Dr. des. Guillaume Gauthier
Assistent / PostDocAssistent / PostDoc
Assistent / PostDoc
Maiengasse 51
Assistent / PostDoc
Institut für Französische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Maiengasse 51
After finishing my studies in French and English at the University of Basel, I joined the team of Prof. Dr. Lorenza Mondada as a doctoral researcher in General Linguistic. Now a member of the research project intSenses, which is financed by the Swiss National Foundation for research (SNF), I intend to use my background in EMCA to investigate—with the help of multimodal analyses of audio-visual corpora—the organization of sensorial experiences in mundane and institutional settings as they happen in a diversity of social contexts. The main focus of my individual work lies in the conceptualization and problematization of ‘assessments’ as forms of talk produced in interactions with and around food and how, by extension, evaluative practices, actions and activities contribute to our understanding of experiences as social objects.
I also developed a recent interest, along with my colleagues Sofian Bouaouina and Hanna Svensson, in how people orient to heat (as well as pain) in social interaction.
In addition, since the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, I am also an active contributor to the HumSoC19project, where I investigate how Covid-19 regulations instigate change in how people go about their daily (social) lives.
Field(s) of research
Conversation Analysis
Multimodal Analysis
Assessments in Social Interaction
Sensoriality & Multisensoriality
Social Interactions with and around Food
Mondada, L., Bouaouina, S., Camus, L., Gauthier, G., Svensson, H., Tekin B. (2021). “The local and filmed accountability of sensorial practices: The intersubjectivity of touch as an interactional achievement." In “Documenting multi-sensory practices with video recordings: touching, smelling, and tasting food in social interaction” S. Goico, J. Katila, Y. Gan, M. H. Goodwin. (Eds.) Special Issue for Social Interaction. Video-based Studies in Human Sociality. 4(3).
Mondada, L., Bänninger, J., Bouaouina, S., Gauthier, G., Hänggi, P., Koda, M., Svensson, H., Tekin, B. (2020). "Changing social practices. Covid-19 and new forms of sociality." Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa 2, pp. 217-232, doi: 10.3240/97807.
Mondada, L., Bänninger, J., Bouaouina, S., Camus, L. Gauthier, G., Hänggi, P., Koda, M., Svensson, H., Tekin, B. (2020). Human sociality in the times of the Covid-19 pandemic: A systematic examination of change in greetings. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 24:4.
Mondada, L., Bänninger, J., Bouaouina, S., Gauthier, G., Hänggi, P., Koda, M., Svensson, H., Tekin, B. (2020). Doing paying during the Covid-19 pandemic. Discourse Studies, 22:6.
Gauthier, G. (2022) What are assessments doing? Evaluative practices in interactions with and around food. VALS-ASLA Forum of Applied Linguistics in Switzerland 2022.
Gauthier, G. (2021) How to manage group activities during Covid-19? Achieving physical distancing through other-correction during food distributions. IPrA 2021 Winterthur. 17th International Pragmatics Conference.
Gauhtier, G., Bouaouina, S. (2021) Sensing Food: The accountability of food selection processes in dumpsters and markets. IPrA 2021 Winterthur. 17th International Pragmatics Conference.
Gauthier, G, (2021) The accomplishment of physical distancing through corrective practices in the times of the Covid-19 pandemic. SymPol-iMean 2021.
Curriculum vitae
2020 Active member in the ‘Human Sociality in the Age of Covid-19’ project
2018 - PhD-student at the University of Basel in the project on multimodality and multisensoriality – intSenses – directed by Prof. Dr. Lorenza Mondada.
2014 - 2018 Board Member of the French Institute’s Students Committee at the University of Basel.
2012 - 2018 Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in English and French Studies the University of Basel.